I'm a


I'm a Research Software Engineer with experience working cross functional with business roles (e.g. Marketing, Finance, Sales) and technical roles (e.g. Front-End and Back-End Engineers, Machine Learning Reseachers & Engineers, Computer Vision Researchers & Engineers, Data Scientists ) as well as designers and UX researchers to bring products to life that make our users' problems disappear!

My passion in life is to take projects from imagination to achievement, to transform what was simply an idea into something tangible, valuable and memorable & As a Software Engineer I have to wear different hats to meet my set target

Research Software Engineer @ TexkLab

Teaching and Research Assistant @ NSBT

I'm an Instructor at the Department of Communication and Information Technology and I teach courses related to Systems & programming languages

I'm fascinated about Programming Language Design & Implementation & Distributed Systems Software & Machine Intelligence Systems & Logic. So my research interest lies at the intersection of Programing Language and Systems Software and machine intelligence systems.

  • Favourite Sport: Football
  • Favourite Team: Chelsea FC
  • Second Sport: WWE and UFC
  • Third Sport: Althelitics
  • Favourite Meal Joint: KFC
  • Favourite Food: Jollof Rice
  • Favourite Song App: Spotify
  • Favourite Movie App: Netflix

Due to my background in Mathematical and Financial Economics, I'm always interested on issues relating to the Investment, Industial Economics mainly focusing on subject matters arround labour, stock market, inflation, economic growth and development.

In my free time I like mentoring student on web technologies and other software tools that can make them productive and best software engineering pratices.


I Think of Programming Languages as a Tool and there is no such a perfect tool for everything but there is a right tool for every job. so in my opinion there is no such thing as a perfect language. So as a team lead on a project, you just have to pick a right language to your task at hand. We are in the era where most of the software we use are powered by the internet and is so obvious that the web technoligies tools needed for this space are (HTML,CSS,JavaScript for the frontend) and (Go,Rust,Java,Python, or any other server side language for the backend)

C/C++ 90%
JavaScript/TypeScript 95%
Rust 80%
Go 90%
Python 100%

Peer-reviewed AI Conferences

Reviewing of papers

CVPR :: Date

Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition

ICCV :: Date

International Conference on Computer Vision

ECCV :: Date

European Conference on Computer Vision

WACV :: Date

Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision

NeurIPS :: Date

Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems

ICML :: Date

International Conference on Machine Learning

ICLR :: Date

International Conference on Learning Representations

ACL :: Date

Conference on Association for Computational Linguistics

EMNLP :: Date

Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

NAACL :: Date

Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

COLM :: Date

Conference on Language Modeling

AAAI :: Date

Conference on Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence

ICRA :: Date

International Conference on Robotics and Automation

IROS :: Date

International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

RSS :: Date

Robotics: Science and Systems

Research Publication

Still under construction and maintenance


Pass Courses and Current Courses I have been teaching

NBIT209 :: 2023 1st Semester

Data Structures and Algorithms

NBIT405 :: 2023 1st Semester

Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems

NBIT208/DIFT208 :: 2023 2nd Semester

System Analysis and Design

DIFT204 :: 2023 2nd Semester

Data Structures and Algorithms


Sending me an email will take time for me to respond but if is urgent kindly message me via whatapp or text message or voice call or book an office appointment for a longer discssion via koalendar


NSBT Computing Lab, ICT Department


+233 20 1094 364